2025 Research Symposium


The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology will be hosting its 14th Annual Research Symposium next year.  We are accepting research studies and papers in the fields of Energy Psychology and Energy Medicine to be presented at our international conference on Thursday, May 29, 2025 in Litchfield, AZ (near Phoenix).

We are seeking original empirical research, randomized controlled studies, case studies and theoretical papers. New researchers, professors and graduate students are especially encouraged to present.  

The deadline for submissions is November 20, 2024.




Please submit your proposal, via email, in THREE attachments: 

  • Name and Credentials (MA, MSW, PhD); Contact information; Brief bio (approx.125 words); and a CV for each researcher. 
  • Title, Abstract, Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results (or Expected Results, if not yet completed), and Discussion. 
  • Supporting documents: Tables, graphs, charts, spreadsheets. 

All proposals should follow CONSORT guidelines (for RCTs) and CARE guidelines (for case studies), insofar as applicable. 


See http://www.care-statement.org/resources/checklist

Proposals will be evaluated by our Symposium Review Committee.  Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made by January 15, 2025. 

Please send your submissions by November 20, 2024 to: 

John Freedom,  research_committee@energypsych.org